At long last "Giant Jenga the first edition" is finished! Kindly hold your applause for the end of the post please ;p Here are a few tips and what worked for me.
First I bought 2X4's. I decided to buy the treated ones since this is planned to be an outside game. Next I needed to decide how many 2X4's I would need to get 48 X 10.5 inch blocks. I bought the 8 foot ones because thats the longest one i can fit in my car. *Just on a side note, please leave the "Thats what she said"'s for the end of the post as well* Now that I have my treated 2X4's home I needed to let them dry out in the sun for a few days. I decided to spare you a picture of me sleeping whilst they dried.
Now that my 2X4's are dry its time to measure and cut. Since the ends of the boards were uneven and rough i thought it best to cut off 1/2 an inch on the end to make my pieces smooth.
Now that the end is smooth I measure 10.5 inches. Since the mitre saw blade is hefty I measured 10 and 9/16ths since I was planning on sanding them anyway.
Whew! So. Much. Sawdust. After I was done cutting all of my blocks I sanded them with medium sandpaper to soften them and get the ends ready for the primer.
Now that I have all 50 blocks(two as spares) cut and sanded, Its time to prime them! I used a small roller and edging paint brush to prime since I only wanted the ends done. I did two coats of primer on this side then let them dry over night before doing the other side.
Now heres the fun part! Its time to make them glow! I went for the spray on glow in the dark paint for easy of application. Again I did two coats to this end then let them dry overnight before doing the other end. Once they were dry I lightly sanded the long sides and top and bottom with fine sandpaper to make them slide easily.
In this process the last step is to enjoy!
And I give you: "Glow in the dark Giant Jenga"!!
Now I'll accept your applause :D